"Where people feel cared for, valued, and at home.."
Lough Erril Nursing Home
Mohill, Co. Leitrim - N41 XE39

071 9631520

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy


All complaints are taken seriously and dealt with promptly and effectively. All staff knows how to receive and deal initially with complaints.


Lough Erril Private Nursing Home provides an environment that is conducive to residents, staff, family advocates or representatives and visitors being able to raise issues and make suggestions and complaints (verbally or in writing) in a spirit of openness and partnership and without fear of adverse consequences. Advice will be provided if requested on how to make a complaint and whom to contact outside the home if the complainant remains dissatisfied or requires support services including independent advocacy.

The Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 95 of 2012).

  • Each resident/resident representative is informed that they can freely raise any concerns or complaints to any member of staff. Residents are asked for their feedback regularly and encouraged to raise any worries at any time. A copy of the complaint’s procedure can be found in the residents’ guide which is located in every bedroom and the family room.
  • The complaints policy and procedure is displayed in a framed picture in the main reception area.
  • The Nominated Complaints Officer is the Director of Nursing, Noreen Casey. The Assistant Director of Nursing, Jennifer Kellett covers this role in her absence.
  • Complaints are investigated and concluded within a 30-day period following the receipt of the complaint.
  • The complainant will be informed in writing by the Director of Nursing, Noreen Casey regarding whether the complaint has been upheld, the reasons for this decision, any improvements recommended and details of the review process.
  • The Nominated Review Officer is Jeanette Shannon.  The complainant can ask Jeanette to review the decision of the Complaint Office, Noreen Casey.
  • Jeanette Shannon will conduct and conclude a thorough review of the complaint within 20 working days after the receipt of the request and provide a written response to the complainant.
  • Jeanette will inform the complainant in writing of the reason why the complaint has not been investigated and concluded in 30 days and why a review may not have been started and concluded within 20 days.


The registered provider, ie Lough Erril Private Nursing Home will

  • ensure recommended improvements, highlighted by the Complaints or Review Officers are actioned.
  • has access to records and information in relation to their complaint, subject to the law
  • ensure the resident is not adversely affected for making a complaint
  • ensure practical assistance is provided to a complainant, so that they can:
  1. understand the complaints process,
  2. make a complaint in accordance with Lough Erril Private Nursing Home complaints procedure
  3. request a review in a case where he or she is dissatisfied with the decision made in relation to his or her complaint
  4. refer the matter to an external complaints process, such as the Ombudsman.
  • ensure all documentation relating to complaints is fully and properly recorded and stored in a secure location.
  • Provide a general report as part of Lough Erril Private Nursing Home annual review stating the following:
  1. level of engagement of independent advocacy services with residents
  2. complaints received, including reviews conducted.
  • Ensure nominated complaints officers and review officers receive suitable training to deal with complaints in accordance with Lough Erril Private Nursing Home’s complaints procedure, and Informal Consolidation of the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Center’s for Older People) Regulations 2013 as of March 2023.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of the Lough Erril Private Nursing Home’s complaints procedures, including how to identify a complaint and the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Center’s for Older People) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 95 of 2012).

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